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Laboratorium BME zostało zaprezentowane w radiowej audycji z cyklu dotyczącego Politechniki Gdańskiej

Dr Kucewicz udzielił wywiadu, który został zaprezentowany w jednej z cotygodniowych audycji poświęconych Politechnice Gdańskiej emitowanych przez Radio Gdańsk. Cykl, składający się z pięciu programów, ma na celu zaprezentowanie ciekawych projektów naukowych realizowanych na Politechnice, która została najwyżej sklasyfikowana wśród uczelni technicznych w ministerialnym konkursie „Inicjatywa Doskonałości – Uczelnia Badawcza” oraz zajęła drugie miejsce w kraju pośród wszystkich uczelni wyższych. Rozmowa ta była trzecią z kolei, a została poprzedzona wywiadami z Rektorem, Prof. Wilde, oraz…

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How to decipher the code of the human mind? A new Interview with Dr. Kucewicz

Gdansk University of Technology (PG), where our BME lab is based, has received a prestigious recognition from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the second best research university in the country (the top technical university). This recognition comes with new developments and investments not only in the research itself but also in public awareness and international promotion. A new interview with Dr. Kucewicz from our lab was published this month on the university website, pioneering…

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New student projects to help us ‚crack the code’ of verbal memory and predict its recall from eye movements

Karolina Kacprzycka joined our BME team to study how words are represented in the human brain. For this she will be using our latest intracranial recordings from Mayo Clinic patients performing tasks to remember words. We hypothesize that bursts of the fast brain waves (aka ‚high frequency oscillations’) in particular brain regions reflect firing of neuronal assemblies that encode particular words. If true, then these fast waves can be used to identify specific words being processed at…

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BME lab highlighted in the radio series about Gdansk University of Technology

Dr. Kucewicz was selected for one of the five interviews in a weekly series about the Gdansk University of Technology presented by Radio Gdansk. The series is dedicated to highlight some interesting research projects conducted at the university, which has recently received a national ministerial award for the best technical research university and the second best overall in the country. This was the third presentation that followed an interview with the chancellor, Prof. Wilde, and with a…

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Wywieramy kliniczny i badawczy wpływ na polską neuronaukę

Nie spodziewaliśmy się, że nasz projekt „First Team”, finansowany przez Fundację na rzecz Nauki Polskiej, wywrze taki wpływ na badanie i leczenie zaburzeń mózgu w Polsce. W tym miesiącu zaakceptowano nasz wniosek o zakup dodatkowej wysokospecjalistycznej aparatury badawczej do rejestrowania pracy i stymulowania mózgu, po uprzednim uzyskaniu zgody pod względem etycznym na wykorzystywanie jej do celów badawczych i klinicznych w Polsce. Początkowo planowano stosowanie jej w terapii pacjentów cierpiących na chorobę Parkinsona lub na zaburzenia…

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We make clinical and research impact on Polish neuroscience

None of us expected that our First Team project funded by the Foundation for Polish Science is going to make such an impact on studying and treating brain disorders in Poland. This month our application for additional funding of high-tech equipment for brain recording and stimulation was approved, following a preceding ethical approval for using it for research and clinical purposes in Poland. Initially it was planned to be used with patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease and…

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Our latest results presented on the world’s largest neuroscience conference

Our BME lab demonstrated exciting new findings from the Ph.D. projects of Victoria Marks (Mayo Graduate School) and Cagdas Topcu (Gdansk University of Technology) at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in Chicago, USA, which was attended by almost 30 000 brain scientists from all across the globe. Tory and Cagdas had a chance to discuss and share their analysis results presented as posters with other peers and experts from the field and beyond. Theo…

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Dr. Jan Cimbalnik from Czech Republic is joining our BME lab as a laureate of the NAWA academic exchange grant to decipher specific memories in the human brain

After a long vacation break and no BME news for August, we are now happy to announce that Dr. Jan Cimbalnik from the International Clinical Research Center (ICRC) in Brno, Czech Republic, will be joining our BME lab in Gdansk as one of the laureates of prestigious ULAM program grants from the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA). Our proposed project was highly ranked on the seventh position out 70 awardees: Jan will be…

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Mayo Clinic Annual Research Day Symposium 2019

This month Cagdas Topcu, PhD student in our BME lab, presented his first results on the ‚Mayo Clinic Annual Research Day’ symposium in Rochester, Minnesota, USA. His poster entitled: ‚Data-driven selection of active iEEG channels during verbal memory task performance’ showed a fully automatic and individualized methodological approach to selecting ‚active’ electrodes, which record brain wave activity from regions engaged during memory tasks. Finding a robust electrode selection method is critical for efficient and reproducible…

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How is memory organized in the brain? New research article from our BME lab

Where is memory encoded in the brain? Is there one or multiple brain regions involved? How is it organized in anatomical space and time of memory encoding? In our latest article published this month in the open-access journal eNeuro of the Society for Neuroscience we addressed these questions using brain recordings from epilepsy patients performing a simple task to remember lists of words. We found an organized network of multiple brain regions showing differences in…

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