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BME lab highlighted in the radio series about Gdansk University of Technology

Dr. Kucewicz was selected for one of the five interviews in a weekly series about the Gdansk University of Technology presented by Radio Gdansk. The series is dedicated to highlight some interesting research projects conducted at the university, which has recently received a national ministerial award for the best technical research university and the second best overall in the country. This was the third presentation that followed an interview with the chancellor, Prof. Wilde, and with a…

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Dr. Kucewicz and our research highlighted in a book about Gdansk

The story of our BME lab is one of the highlights of a new book entitled: ‚Gdansk wczoraj i dzis 1990-2020. 30 lat samorzadnosci’ (‚Gdansk yesterday and today 1990-2020. 30 years of the local government’), which was published on the anniversary of the first democratic local government elections. The book summarizes key achievements in the last thirty years of the city. Our story is in the education section (see the photo), relating back to the Fahrenheit scholarships for…

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