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Meet our new BME lab scientists!

    We are delighted to introduce our new neuroscientists, who are joining the BME lab in Gdansk for doctoral studies and postdoc positions in the Opus LAP and Weave-UNISONO international collaborative projects between the Gdansk Tech, Medical University in Wroclaw, St. Anne’s University Hospital in Brno and Mayo Clinic in the USA. These exciting projects start in two weeks and aim to identify and modulate the brain wave activities of specific memories in human patients…

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Radio Gdansk interviews Dr. Kucewicz about our brain research

If you would like to hear about our research in simple words of a relaxed conversation, then this interview is for you to listen. Dr. Kucewicz explains why we are interested in brain waves and how they can be useful for treating brain disorders. He also talked about the future and what is already possible now in terms of brain-computer interfaces or stimulation devices to treat memory and higher brain functions. Do you know what the…

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BME lab publishes unique human brain recordings

This month our BME lab published unique recordings of brain wave activities from electrodes implanted in epilepsy patients. The electrodes were recording signals from multiple contacts located in various regions of the brain as the patients were performing computer tasks for memory and cognitive functions. At the same time, an infra-red light camera was registering the size and position of the pupils in both eyes to determine gaze focus and the level of attention (synchronized with the…

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Historical epilepsy surgery in Poland

On Dec 8th, 2022 we participated in a historical neurosurgical procedure of implanting multiple special electrodes to precisely localize the source of seizures in a young 21 year-old patient. The electrodes contained arrays of both standard macro-contacts (each less than 1cm big) to record large brain wave activities and special micro-contacts (each less than 100 micrometers big) to record local brain waves and even detect electrical impulses from individual brain cells (single neurons). These were implanted…

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New discovery – brain waves that coordinate formation of human memories

We are delighted to share with you about the recent publication of our research findings, which appeared this month in the journal NeuroImage. It is a result of almost 4 years of our work on mapping the brain waves generated in our brain as memories for words are formed. Tory Marks, a PhD student of biomedical engineering at Mayo Clinic, worked together with other members of our BME lab on a large dataset of over 150…

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Laboratorium BME zostało zaprezentowane w radiowej audycji z cyklu dotyczącego Politechniki Gdańskiej

Dr Kucewicz udzielił wywiadu, który został zaprezentowany w jednej z cotygodniowych audycji poświęconych Politechnice Gdańskiej emitowanych przez Radio Gdańsk. Cykl, składający się z pięciu programów, ma na celu zaprezentowanie ciekawych projektów naukowych realizowanych na Politechnice, która została najwyżej sklasyfikowana wśród uczelni technicznych w ministerialnym konkursie „Inicjatywa Doskonałości – Uczelnia Badawcza” oraz zajęła drugie miejsce w kraju pośród wszystkich uczelni wyższych. Rozmowa ta była trzecią z kolei, a została poprzedzona wywiadami z Rektorem, Prof. Wilde, oraz…

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New student projects to help us ‚crack the code’ of verbal memory and predict its recall from eye movements

Karolina Kacprzycka joined our BME team to study how words are represented in the human brain. For this she will be using our latest intracranial recordings from Mayo Clinic patients performing tasks to remember words. We hypothesize that bursts of the fast brain waves (aka ‚high frequency oscillations’) in particular brain regions reflect firing of neuronal assemblies that encode particular words. If true, then these fast waves can be used to identify specific words being processed at…

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Dr. Kucewicz and our research highlighted in a book about Gdansk

The story of our BME lab is one of the highlights of a new book entitled: ‚Gdansk wczoraj i dzis 1990-2020. 30 lat samorzadnosci’ (‚Gdansk yesterday and today 1990-2020. 30 years of the local government’), which was published on the anniversary of the first democratic local government elections. The book summarizes key achievements in the last thirty years of the city. Our story is in the education section (see the photo), relating back to the Fahrenheit scholarships for…

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We make clinical and research impact on Polish neuroscience

None of us expected that our First Team project funded by the Foundation for Polish Science is going to make such an impact on studying and treating brain disorders in Poland. This month our application for additional funding of high-tech equipment for brain recording and stimulation was approved, following a preceding ethical approval for using it for research and clinical purposes in Poland. Initially it was planned to be used with patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease and…

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Our latest results presented on the world’s largest neuroscience conference

Our BME lab demonstrated exciting new findings from the Ph.D. projects of Victoria Marks (Mayo Graduate School) and Cagdas Topcu (Gdansk University of Technology) at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in Chicago, USA, which was attended by almost 30 000 brain scientists from all across the globe. Tory and Cagdas had a chance to discuss and share their analysis results presented as posters with other peers and experts from the field and beyond. Theo…

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