Members of the BME lab published their new paper about assessing consciousness with eye-tracking 23 stycznia 2019 – Posted in: News – Tags: , , , , , ,

Members of the BME lab, Michal Lech and Michal Kucewicz, have just published a paper in Frontiers in Neurology with Prof. Andrzej Czyżewski from the Multimedia Systems Department of Gdansk University of Technology’ entitled: ‘Human Computer Interface (HCI) for tracking eye movements improves assessment and diagnosis of patients with acquired brain injuries’. In the paper, we show that our HCI interface called ‘Cyber Eye’, which was developed by Prof. Czyżewski’s team, can detect minimally conscious states in patients who were otherwise assessed as unconscious. Our results led to re-diagnosis of two out of 10 patients, who had been originally diagnosed as remaining in a vegetative state and in coma. After assessment with our HCI, these two patients were diagnosed with a possible locked-in syndrome and a minimally conscious state, respectively. The HCI technologies offer not only new complementary tools for improved patient assessment and diagnosis but also communication means for patients after brain injuries. The research was conducted as part of the HCI Brain project (PI: Andrzej Czyżewski) funded by the National Science Centre of Poland on the basis of the decision DEC-2014/15/B/ST7/04724.