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Foundation for Polish Science extended funding for our First Team research project

We are closing the 2020 calendar year with great news about obtaining additional funding to support the main research project in our Brain and Mind Electrophysiology lab entitled: ‚Neurophysiological mapping and stimulation of the human brain for memory enhancement’. The decision was based on reviewing the progress and plans for continuing research in this project. One of the main discoveries made so far is a new area in the left frontal lobe of our cortex,…

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Która półkula rządzi twoim światem?

Kontynuujemy naszą misję promowania i popularyzowania neuronauki. Nie poddajemy się z powodu trwającej epidemii, wręcz przeciwnie – wirtualna rzeczywistość telekonferencji, nauczanie on-line i udostępnianie filmów stwarzają okazję do dotarcia do szerszego grona odbiorców. Zostaliśmy zaproszeni przez Centrum Nauki Experyment w Gdyni do stworzenia filmu edukacyjnego na temat związany z naszymi badaniami. Przygotowany film ukazuje różnice pomiędzy prawą i lewą półkulą naszego mózgu…   W trakcie filmu dr Kucewicz prowadzi widza przez trzy łatwe testy,…

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Dr. Kucewicz and our research highlighted in a book about Gdansk

The story of our BME lab is one of the highlights of a new book entitled: ‚Gdansk wczoraj i dzis 1990-2020. 30 lat samorzadnosci’ (‚Gdansk yesterday and today 1990-2020. 30 years of the local government’), which was published on the anniversary of the first democratic local government elections. The book summarizes key achievements in the last thirty years of the city. Our story is in the education section (see the photo), relating back to the Fahrenheit scholarships for…

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‚Naukowe Love’, i.e. sharing our passion for neuroscience across all generations

This month Dr. Kucewicz engaged in several public events dedicated to promoting neuroscience and awareness of the societal problems that our research addresses. ‚Centrum Naukowe Eksperyment’ in Gdynia invited us to present and run a workshop on their special Valentine’s Day event ‚Naukowe Love’ about the heart and the brain (btw, St. Valentine is the patron for epilepsy). Our workshop was attended by most of the participants (over 700 in total!) with almost continuous 4…

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