Theta waves reveal how brain connections and memory develops in growing children 22 kwietnia 2022 – Posted in: News – Tags: 2022, BME Lab, Brain, Michal Kucewicz, Neuroscience, new paper

It turns out that as this sync’ed flowing between the prefrontal cortex (under your forehead) and the hippocampus (deep beneath your temples) was becoming more aligned, there were more connections developed between these two anatomical regions that are critical for our higher brain functions, including formation of new memories. Our new results that will soon be published also show that the theta waves in a particular hotspot of the prefrontal cortex can most strongly predict if we will remember a particular event or not. We are now trying to use all this knowledge to improve the way that the neural networks in the brain form, store and recall memories.
You read our commentary yourself, which was written in relatively simple words, or get in touch with us if you would like to know more! Stay tuned for the coming release of our discovery about the memory hotspot in the prefrontal cortex…