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Can you supercharge your memory? | New Scientist | Dr. Michal Kucewicz

Dr. Kucewicz comments on the progress of brain stimulation technologies for the popular science magazine ‘New Scientist’ In the article ‘Can you supercharge your memory?’ published on Oct 24th in the ‘Memory special’ issue of the magazine, Jessica Hamzelou summarizes the state-of-the-art in the field of memory enhancement devices aka memory prostheses. Even though these are developed for patients presenting deficits in memory and cognition, possible applications can be extended to the healthy population to enhance…

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Our lab member, Cagdas Topcu, started his Ph.D. studies

Our lab member, Çağdaş Topçu, started his Ph.D. studies in our project “Neurophysiological mapping and stimulation of the human brain for memory enhancement”. The studies will be in the field of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering at the Gdańsk University of Technology and will last from October 2018 until May 2021 (hopefully!). He was ranked with the highest scores in the qualifying interviews in the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics. His project is part of…

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Research partners from Gdansk, Warsaw, Wroclaw and Mayo Clinic in Rochester, USA meet in our new BME lab

September 20th, 2018 is a milestone date for the BME lab and our First Team project entitled: ‘Neurophysiological mapping and stimulation of the human brain for memory enhancement’. Strategic scientists from a wide and interdisciplinary range of expertise met at the Multimedia Systems Department, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics of the Gdansk University of Technology to discuss initial findings, specific roles, and future directions in the project. The entire partnership network of scientists who attended…

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Interview with Dr. Kucewicz about the Fahrenheit scholarship and his neuroscience career

Dr Michał Kucewicz 12 lat temu wyjechał z Gdańska, by studiować neurobiologię na Uniwersytecie Cambridge. Jak podkreśla, bez gdańskiego stypendium im. G. Fahrenheita nie byłoby to możliwe. Po latach pracy na świecie, wraca do nas. Założył zespół badawczy na Politechnice Gdańskiej i we współpracy z gdańskimi naukowcami, opracowuje technologię służącą polepszeniu pamięci pacjentów z epilepsją, chorobami Alzheimera, Parkinsona czy Huntingtona.

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Popular science article about the past, present and future of our field ‘Can electrical stimulation of the brain enhance mind?’ by Michal Kucewicz Oxford University Press blog

It is almost philosophical to think that our mental representations, imagery, reasoning, and reflections are generated by electrical activity of interconnected brain cells. And even more so is to think that these abstract phenomena of the mind could be enhanced by passing electricity through specific cellular networks in the brain. Yet, it turns out these tenets can be subjected to empirical experimentation. Groundbreaking discoveries made by Dr. Wilder Penfield with his patients undergoing open-brain surgeries…

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