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BME lab contributed to the 2022 TriCity Brain Week

Last Friday, we ran a successful workshop about the power of concentration at the TriCity Brain Week event held at the University of Gdansk. Ola and Amanda from our BME lab group prepared fantastic presentations for a wide spectrum of audience, ranging from preschoolers all the way up to adults. A brief introduction into the psychology and neurobiology of vigilance, attention and concentration was followed by demonstration of our toy brain-computer interface (BCI). It worked particularly…

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Radio Gdansk interviews Dr. Kucewicz about our brain research

If you would like to hear about our research in simple words of a relaxed conversation, then this interview is for you to listen. Dr. Kucewicz explains why we are interested in brain waves and how they can be useful for treating brain disorders. He also talked about the future and what is already possible now in terms of brain-computer interfaces or stimulation devices to treat memory and higher brain functions. Do you know what the…

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