Historical epilepsy surgery in Poland 12 January 2022 – Posted in: news – Tags: 2021, 2022, Biomedical, BME, Brain, Epilepsy, Gdansk, Gdansk University of Technology, Medical University of Wroclaw, Neuralynx, neurology, Neuroscience, sEEG, Wroclaw

During this seizure monitoring, our BME lab team led by Dr. Kucewicz and our collaborators from the Neurophysiology of Mind lab led by Dr. Jan Kaminski were entertaining the patient with a series of tasks to remember pictures and words, as the large and local brain wave activities and the electrical impulses of single neurons were registered on the recording systems. It was fascinating to see these electrical activities ‘fired’ as the patient engaged in the remembering specific stimuli in the tasks or even when talking with the experimenter. We are getting closer to resolving the correlates of particular memories in the human brain…
Big thanks to Neuralynx (USA) and Inomed (Poland) companies for providing the necessary technological assistance and training. Special acknowledgments to Dr. Peter Reinacher from Freiburg, Germany, for sharing his expertise in implanting the special electrodes in this innovative procedure. Finally, none of this work would be possible without participation of the patient, who will hopefully be seizure-free now!