BME lab talks by prof. Milan Brazdil and prof. Greg Worrell 25 June 2021 – Posted in: news – Tags: 2021, biomedical engineering, Brain, Brain Stimulation, Cagdas Topcu, Gdansk University of Technology, Gregory Worrell, June meeting 2021, Mayo Clinic, meeting, Memory, Michal Kucewicz, Milan Brazdil, Neuroscience, Science, USA

Everyone is invited to attend these free lectures followed by a grand discussion about the brain and how to treat its disorders. Both talks will take place on Thursday, July 29th in the Sankiewicz lecture hall (Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunication and Informatics – WETI), starting at 1:00pm – for more details see the flyer in the photograph. The talk and the discussion will also be streamed live on the youtube channel of Gdansk Tech:
The lectures are hosted by the new BioTechMed Center at the Gdansk Tech with the purpose of attracting world-class scientists and research collaborations in the fields of biotechnology, biomedical engineering and biomedical sciences. The two professorships will follow two international fellowships of dr Brent Berry (Mayo Clinic, USA) and dr Jan Cimbalnik (St. Anne’s University Hospital in Brno, Czech Republic), who have already joined our BME lab for postdoctoral fellowships. You can read more about this grant and the research university initiative (Inicjatywa Doskonałości Uczelnia Badawcza – IDUB) in our previous news:
See you at Gdansk Tech on the July 29th talks!