‘Naukowe Love’, i.e. sharing our passion for neuroscience across all generations 25 February 2020 – Posted in: news – Tags: 2020, Biomedical, biomedical engineering, Brain, Brain Stimulation, brain waves, children, demonstration, Doctoral, Epilepsy, Gdansk University of Technology, kids, neurology, Neuroscience, outreaching, Poland, Polish, presentation, primary schools, rhythm, Science, Study, talk, Verbal

Special thanks to Dr. Kucewicz’s wife, Karolina, who assisted with the workshop presentations and at some point had to take over part of the show with the brain-computer interface! The demand was so big that without her help many would miss the workshop activities.
BME lab is planning more presentations in the coming future – one in the Hewelianum Science Center in Gdansk for middle and high-school students (stay tuned on our Facebook website for more info), talks at the Gdansk universities, and more visits to primary schools for a lesson about neuroscience. Let us know if you would like to arrange a visit to your local community.
We are already seeing the fruit of such activities with students, who contact us back to give an inspirational testimony of how these presentations have inspired their careers. Some of them may soon be joining our BME lab and take the mission further to the next generations of neuroscientists… thank you all for your contributions to promoting our efforts!