Our international BME lab team is growing… 26 November 2019 – Posted in: Uncategorized

As a result of this team effort, we now see the first fruits coming… Saboo’s manuscript about machine learning methods for automatic identification of brain regions activated in memory tasks has recently been accepted for publication in Nature Scientific Reports (stay tuned to hear more…). Tory presented her final results about slow and fast brain waves supporting memory together with Cagdas on the last annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (see October news), which will soon be submitted for journal publication. Theo contributed a state-of-the-art video showing these brain waves across time and several frequency dimensions (see our last July news release). Vaclav and Petr have played instrumental roles in the signal processing, computing power, and machine learning aspects of all of these projects. Without the help of all the scientists working together with our BME lab, all these recent discoveries would not be possible.
Our placement at MSEL will be completed this month. We return to Gdansk not only with a unique dataset of invasive recordings from 15 epilepsy patients during memory tasks with eye-tracking but, more importantly, we established a superb team of international scientists dedicated to work with us on solving the mysteries of the human mind.